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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521598


ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of this study was to describe a case of cutaneous lichen planus (LP) that appeared following COVID-19 infection. Case description: We report a case of extensive cutaneous classic familial LP in a 4-year-old male child after an asymptomatic serologically confirmed COVID-19 infection. The patient developed intensely itchy, purple, flat-topped papules and plaques, mainly on the dorsal surface of the hands, feet, forearms, and shins. Histopathological examination of the skin biopsy showed vacuolar and apoptotic degeneration of the basal cell layer with a band-like lymphocyte infiltrate at the dermo-epidermal junction and confirmed the diagnosis of LP. Comments: LP could be considered among the differential diagnoses of pediatric post-COVID inflammatory skin lesions, either in the patients recovering from COVID-19 infection or in the suspicious asymptomatic cases in close contact with COVID-19-infected patients.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever um caso de líquen plano cutâneo (LP) após infecção por COVID-19. Descrição do caso: Relatamos um caso de LP familiar clássico extenso cutâneo em uma criança de quatro anos de idade após uma infecção por COVID-19 assintomática e sorologicamente confirmada. O paciente desenvolveu pápulas e placas intensamente pruriginosas, roxas e achatadas, principalmente na superfície dorsal das mãos, pés, antebraços e canelas. O exame histopatológico da biópsia de pele mostrou degeneração vacuolar e apoptótica da camada basal com infiltrado de linfócitos em faixa na junção dermoepidérmica e confirmou o diagnóstico de líquen plano. Comentários: O líquen plano pode ser considerado entre os diagnósticos diferenciais de lesões cutâneas inflamatórias pós-COVID pediátricas, tanto em pacientes em recuperação de infecção por COVID-19 quanto em casos assintomáticos suspeitos em contato próximo com pacientes infectados por COVID-19.

Vive (El Alto) ; 6(18): 736-747, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530582


Los bajos niveles de hemoglobina se definen como una concentración baja de hemoglobina en la sangre. La activad metabólica cerebral está vinculada con el desarrollo psicomotor. El desarrollo psicomotor durante la infancia se desarrolla a partir de los reflejos innatos, se organizan en esquemas de conducta, se internalizan durante el segundo año de vida como modelos de pensamiento. En Perú, se contabilizan el 50.99% de los niños con bajos niveles de concentración de hemoglobina en menores de 3 años. Objetivo. Identificar la relación entre la anemia y el desarrollo de la psicomotricidad en la primera infancia. Materiales y Métodos. Para evaluar los niveles de hemoglobina se empleó el método de la azidametahemoglobina, con un hemoglobinómetro, y para evaluar el desarrollo psicomotor se empleó la escala del desarrollo psicomotor. En el estudio participaron 32 niños de 6 a 24 meses de edad. Resultados. El 40,6% presenta niveles de hemoglobina entre 14,2 - 17.2 g/dl, el 31,3% presenta niveles de hemoglobina entre 13.2 -14.1 g/dl seguido del 25,0% que presenta niveles de hemoglobina entre 10,2 -13.1 g/dl y el 3.1% presenta niveles de hemoglobina <10.2 g/dl; respecto al desarrollo psicomotor expresados en coeficiente de desarrollo se evidencia que el 59.4% de niños muestran un desarrollo normal seguido del 31.3% de niños que presenta un desarrollo en riesgo y 9.4% en retraso. Conclusiones. El coeficiente de desarrollo del niño(a) se encontró que la mayoría tiene un desarrollo psicomotor normal seguido de riesgo y de retraso, a pesar que mayoría tiene un coeficiente de desarrollo normal

Low hemoglobin levels are defined as a low hemoglobin concentration in the blood. Brain metabolic activity is linked to psychomotor development. Psychomotor development during infancy develops from innate reflexes, which are organized in behavioral schemes and internalized during the second year of life as thought models. In Peru, 50.99% of children under 3 years of age have low hemoglobin concentration levels. Objective. To identify the relationship between anemia and psychomotor development in early childhood. Materials and Methods. To evaluate hemoglobin levels, the azidametahemoglobin method was used, with a hemoglobinmeter, and to evaluate psychomotor development the psychomotor development scale was used. Thirty-two children aged 6 to 24 months participated in the study. Results. 40.6% presented hemoglobin levels between 14.2 - 17.2 g/dl, 31.3% presented hemoglobin levels between 13.2 -14.1 g/dl followed by 25.0% presenting hemoglobin levels between 10.2 -13.1 g/dl and 3.1% presented hemoglobin levels <10. 2 g/dl; with respect to psychomotor development expressed in development coefficient, 59.4% of children show normal development followed by 31.3% of children with development at risk and 9.4% with delayed development. Conclusions. The development coefficient of the child showed that most of the children have a normal psychomotor development followed by at risk and retardation, although most of them have a normal development coefficient.

Níveis baixos de hemoglobina são definidos como uma baixa concentração de hemoglobina no sangue. A atividade metabólica do cérebro está ligada ao desenvolvimento psicomotor. O desenvolvimento psicomotor durante a infância se desenvolve a partir de reflexos inatos, que são organizados em padrões de comportamento e internalizados durante o segundo ano de vida como padrões de pensamento. No Peru, 50,99% das crianças com menos de 3 anos de idade têm baixas concentrações de hemoglobina. Objetivo. Identificar a relação entre a anemia e o desenvolvimento psicomotor na primeira infância. Materiais e métodos. Para avaliar os níveis de hemoglobina, foi usado o método da azidameta-hemoglobina, com um hemoglobinômetro portátil HemoCue® Hb 201+ e, para avaliar o desenvolvimento psicomotor, foi usada a escala de desenvolvimento psicomotor. Trinta e duas crianças com idade entre 6 e 24 meses participaram do estudo. Resultados. 40,6% tinham níveis de hemoglobina entre 14,2 - 17,2 g/dl, 31,3% tinham níveis de hemoglobina entre 13,2 -14,1 g/dl, seguidos por 25,0% com níveis de hemoglobina entre 10,2 -13,1 g/dl e 3,1% com níveis de hemoglobina <10. 2 g/dl; com relação ao desenvolvimento psicomotor expresso em coeficiente de desenvolvimento, é evidente que 59,4% das crianças apresentam um desenvolvimento normal, seguido por 31,3% de crianças que apresentam um desenvolvimento em risco e 9,4% em atraso. Conclusões. O coeficiente de desenvolvimento infantil mostrou que a maioria das crianças tem um desenvolvimento psicomotor normal, seguido por risco e atraso, embora a maioria delas tenha um coeficiente de desenvolvimento normal.

Humans , Infant , Psychomotor Performance , Anemia
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439181


Introducción: La infección por Fasciola hepatica es una enfermedad zoonótica de distribución mundial, desatendida y subdiagnosticada. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de Fasciola hepatica en una población preescolar en Tartar Chico, distrito de Baños del Inca, en la región Cajamarca. Métodos: Estudio transversal en 48 niños de una institución educativa inicial. Los padres entregaron 3 muestras de heces para el estudio parasitológico seriado y completaron una encuesta epidemiológica. La identificación de F. hepatica y otros parásitos se realizó con las pruebas de sedimentación rápida de Lumbreras, examen directo y Kato-Katz. Para describir usamos frecuencias y porcentajes, para el análisis bivariado aplicamos Chi-cuadrado o prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: La frecuencia de Fasciola hepatica fue 4,17%. Además, estimamos una proporción de 8,33% para Ascaris lumbricoides, 4,17% de Diphyllobothrium pacificum y 2,08% de uncinarias; así como parásitos contaminantes Entamoeba coli, Blastocystis hominis. Conclusión: Encontramos una frecuencia de 4,17% de fascioliasis entre preescolares de una comunidad altoandina del Perú.

Introduction: Fasciola hepatica infection is a globally distributed, neglected and underdiagnosed zoonotic disease. Objectives: To determine the frequency of Fasciola hepatica infection among a preschool population in Tartar Chico, Baños del Inca, Cajamarca. Methods: Cross-sectional study in 48 children of an initial educational institution. Parents delivered 3 stool samples for the serial parasitological study and completed an epidemiological survey. The identification of F. hepatica and other parasites was carried out with the Lumbreras rapid sedimentation tests, direct examination, and Kato-Katz. For descriptive analysis, frequency and percentages were used, for the bivariate analysis, Chi-square or Fisher's exact test was used. Results: The frequency of F. hepatica was 4,17%. In addition, a proportion of 8,33% of Ascaris lumbricoides, 4,17% of Diphyllobothrium pacificum and 2,08% of hookworms; as well as contaminating parasites Entamoeba coli, Blastocystis hominis. Conclusions: A frequency of 4,17% of fascioliasis was found among preschoolers from a high Andean community in Peru.

Medisur ; 21(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440624


Fundamento: la promoción de salud debe comenzar en edades tempranas del desarrollo, para que los niños adquieran estilos de vida saludables, que les resulten beneficiosos en el futuro. Objetivo: implementar un programa educativo de salud bucal, dirigido a las familias de los niños/ñas de tres a cinco años matriculados en el Programa Educa a tu hijo, de los consultorios ocho y nueve del Consejo Popular Ramón Balboa, del municipio Lajas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de intervención, de septiembre del 2020 a julio del 2021, en la sede del Programa Educa a tu hijo, con 35 miembros de familia y 35 niños/as entre tres cinco años matriculados en dicho programa. Se analizaron las variables: conocimiento sobre higiene bucal, hábitos dietéticos y hábitos deformantes, medidas antes y después de la intervención educativa. Resultados: predominó el sexo femenino y edad de cuatro años. Los familiares tenían entre 20 y 34 años. Los principales factores de riesgo identificados fueron higiene bucal deficiente, cepillado dental incorrecto y dieta cariogénica. Antes de la intervención predominó el conocimiento regular sobre higiene bucal, un conocimiento malo sobre hábitos dietéticos y un mal nivel de conocimiento sobre hábitos deformantes. Después de la intervención se observó un mayor porcentaje de conocimiento bueno sobre higiene bucal, hábitos dietéticos y buen nivel de conocimiento sobre hábitos deformantes. Conclusiones después de aplicada la intervención educativa se evidenció una notable mejoría en los conocimientos sobre salud bucal.

Background: health promotion should begin at an early age of development, so that children acquire healthy lifestyles that will be beneficial in the future. Objective: to implement an educational oral health program, aimed at the families of children from three to five years old enrolled in the Educate your child Program, from clinics eight and nine of the Ramón Balboa neighborhood, in Lajas municipality. Methods: an intervention study was carried out, from September 2020 to July 2021, at the headquarters of the Educate your child program, with 35 family members and 35 children between three and five years old enrolled in this program. The analyzed variables were: knowledge about oral hygiene, dietary habits and deforming habits, measured before and after the educational intervention. Results: the female sex and age of four years prevailed. The relatives were between 20 and 34 years old. The main risk factors identified were poor oral hygiene, incorrect tooth brushing and cariogenic diet. Before the intervention, regular knowledge about oral hygiene, poor knowledge about dietary habits, and a poor level of knowledge about deforming habits prevailed. After the intervention, a higher percentage of good knowledge about oral hygiene, dietary habits and a good level of knowledge about deforming habits was observed. Conclusions: after applying the educational intervention, a notable improvement in knowledge about oral health was evidenced.

Medisur ; 21(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440628


Fundamento el cuidado de la salud bucal en infantes es indispensable, pues en esta edad se establecen hábitos de una adecuada nutrición e higiene, los cuales permiten un correcto desarrollo cultural y psicosocial. Objetivo: evaluar un programa odontológico orientado a la atención de la salud bucodental en infantes. Métodos: estudio cuasiexperimental, con intervención educativa, aplicado en 100 infantes, en Nogoyá, los cuales participaron junto con sus tutores en tres talleres educativos. Se realizó una evaluación al inicio y final de estos. Para comparar el antes y después de la población se usó la prueba de U de Mann Whitney, con un nivel de significación del 95 %. Resultados: respecto a la intervención inicial y final, se estableció que el programa mejoró significativamente los resultados respecto al índice O'leary de distribución de la placa (p<0,001), índice gingival (p<0,001), e higiene bucal (p<0,001). Posterior a la realización de talleres educativos, se redujo el consumo de alimentos cariogénicos. Conclusiones: el programa realizado permitió reducir los niveles de placa, gingivitis, mejoró la higiene y alimentación saludable en los infantes.

Background oral health care in infants is essential, since at this age habits of adequate nutrition and hygiene are established, which allow a correct cultural and psychosocial development. Objective: to evaluate a dental program aimed at oral health care in infants. Methods: quasi-experimental study, with educational intervention, applied to 100 infants, in Nogoyá, who participated together with their tutors in three educational workshops. An evaluation was carried out at the beginning and end of these. To compare the before and after population, the Mann Whitney U test was used, with a significance level of 95%. Results: when analyzing the initial and final evaluation, it was established that the program significantly improved the results regarding the O'leary index of plaque distribution (p<0.001), gingival index (p<0.001), and oral hygiene (p< 0.001). After conducting educational workshops, the consumption of cariogenic foods was reduced. Conclusions: the program carried out allowed reducing the levels of plaque, gingivitis, improving hygiene and healthy eating in infants.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1346-1350, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988887


Objective@#To examine the impact of physical intelligence teaching on the function of children s sensory integration, so as to provide reference for promoting the development of sensory integration system.@*Methods@#From February to May 2023, the intervention was implemented for 12 weeks among 136 children aged 4-5 (68 in the intervention group and 68 in the control group). The intervention group received situational and game based physical intelligence teaching, the control group received sports game teaching according to the original curriculum objectives of the kindergarten. Intervention was administered 3 times a week for 40 minutes each time. The sensory integration ability of the intervention group and the control group were evaluated before and after the intervention with Chi square test and t test.@*Results@#The vestibular sensation, proprioception and tactile sensation of between boys and girls in the intervention group were significantly improved compared with before intervention (boys:44.14±11.52 vs. 53.34± 9.49 ,44.57±12.76 vs. 50.54±11.86,49.31±12.18 vs. 55.00±10.24,girls:46.00±11.01 vs. 54.58±10.06,48.79±13.17 vs. 53.64±11.97,52.67±11.67 vs. 56.91±10.42, t =-3.24,-2.49,-2.09,-5.24,-12.94,-2.56, P <0.05). There was no significant difference in vestibular sensation between boys and girls in the control group (boys:45.91±11.66 vs. 46.31± 11.20,girls:48.27±13.56 vs. 48.45 ±13.54, t =-0.87,-0.07, P >0.05), but there was a significant improvement in proprioception and tactile sensation in both boys and girls (boys:46.63±11.76 vs. 48.06±11.69,51.63±11.98 vs. 52.40±12.18,girls:50.45±12.16 vs. 51.67± 12.03 ,53.36±12.48 vs. 54.39±12.57, t =-3.36,-2.08,-4.66,-2.86, P <0.05). After the intervention, compared with the control group, the vestibular sensation of both boys and girls significantly improved ( t=2.83, 2.08, P <0.05), with exception of proprioception and tactile sensation ( t =0.88,0.67,0.97,0.88, P >0.05). In the experimental group, the number of normal boys increased from 12 to 24, while the number of dysfunctional boys decreased from 23 to 11, with a statistically significant difference ( χ 2=11.53, P <0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in sensory integration in boys of the control group before and after the experiment ( χ 2= 1.10 , P >0.05). After intervention,the number of normal girls in the experimental group increased from 15 to 27, while the number of dysfunctional girls decreased from 18 to 6, with a statistically significant difference ( χ 2=10.39, P < 0.05 ). There was no statistically significant difference in sensory integration in girls from the control group before and after the experiment ( χ 2=2.08, P > 0.05 ).@*Conclusion@#Physical intelligence teaching can effectively improve children s sensory integration ability, especially for vestibular function.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1328-1332, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988855


Objective@#To establish the norm of the Physical Activity afterschool Questionnaire for Preschooler(P-PAQ) in urban areas of China, so as to provide a basis for graded guidance from the family perspective and to improve children s physical activity levels.@*Methods@#From October 2020 to January 2021, 6 267 children aged 3-6 years old were recruited from 40 kindergartens in eight cities across six major administrative regions by stratified cluster sampling, and the P-PAQ initially developed by the researchers of this study were completed by the primary caregivers. The questionnaire was administered to collect data relating to the amount of physical activity undertaken by the preschoolers, and the norm was determined by quartiles. Data relating to parental concepts of sports and parental behavior were assessed by calculating mean scores in order to establish the norm.@*Results@#Among preschoolers in urban areas, the M(P 25 ,P 75 ) of total physical activity time (min/day), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity time (min/day), outdoor time (min/day) and screen time (min/day) on school days outside kindergarten and on weekends were 84 (54,120), 22 (8,40), 12 (0,24) and 18 (6,30), and 170 (115,240), 60 (30,95), 90 (35,120) and 30 (20,60), respectively. When the score of parents sports concept and behavior (total score of 40) were≥34, 29-<34, 24-<29, <24, it was defined as four levels about above medium, medium, lower medium and lower, respectively. And for two dimensions,when the score of parental sports concept were ≥19, 17-<19, 15-<17, <15,and the score of parental behaviors were ≥16, 12-<16, 8-<12, <8, it was defined as four levels about upper medium, medium, lower medium and lower, respectively.@*Conclusion@#The norm of extracurricular activities among preschool children in Chinese cities has good representativeness and appropriate threshold values, which could provide a valuable reference for early assessment, as well as guidance in relation to out-of-school physical activity behaviors among children aged 3-6 years old.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1324-1327, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988854


Objective@#To understand the current situation and trends of anemia among kindergarten children in urban area of Suzhou from 2018 to 2022, so as to provide a theoretical basis for prevention and intervention in anemia among kindergarten children.@*Methods@#From March 2023, a total of 24 178 person times of children from 59 kindergartens selected by random number table method were enrolled, and their physical examination data from 2018 to 2022 were collected, including hemoglobin (Hb), height, gender, weight. The period of 2018-2019 was defined as before the COVID-19 epidemic, and period of 2020-2022 was defined as the COVID-19 epidemic. Data were analyzed using the Mann Whitney U test, χ 2 test and Spearman s correlation analysis.@*Results@#From 2018 to 2019, the M ( P 25 , P 75 ) of Hb levels of children in nursery, middle, and senior class were 118 (112, 129), 120 (112, 132) and 122 (113, 134)g/L, respectively, which were higher than that of during 2020-2022 [116(110, 123), 117(111, 124) , 119(112, 126)g/L, Z =-10.7, -12.7, -12.9, P <0.05]. A total of 4 584 person times of children were anemic, with a detection rate of 19.0%. The overall anemia detection rate of kindergarten children during 2018-2019 was lower than that in 2020-2022 (15.3% vs 20.7%, χ 2=100.8, P <0.05). The anemia detection rate of kindergarten children in 2022 (24.5%) was higher than that in 2020 (20.6%) and in 2021 (17.0%) ( χ 2=93.9, P <0.05). The anemia prevalence of children in the nursery, middle, and senior class were 13.9%, 14.7% and 17.1% during 2018-2019, 19.3%, 15.9% and 26.6% during 2020-2022, and 17.6%, 15.5% and 23.6% during 2018-2022, respectively ( χ 2=10.7, 204.6, 186.8, P <0.01). There was no statistically significant correlation between Hb values and body mass index (BMI) in boys and girls with anemia, and all children in kindergarten ( r=0.03, 0.03, 0.09, P >0.05).@*Conclusion@#The prevalence of anemia among kindergarten children in the urban area of Suzhou is relatively high. The COVID-19 pandemic may have increased the risk of anemia among children.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1238-1241, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985597


Objective@#To investigate the health of deciduous teeth and the effect of deciduous teeth caries on the nutritional status of Tibetan children in kindergartens in Zhag-yab of Tibet, so as to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of dental caries in local children.@*Methods@#A cross sectional survey was conducted among all Tibetan children aged 3 to 7 years in kindergartens from 13 districts in Zhag yab of Tibet, a total of 1 263 eligible children were included. Oral examination, height, weight measurement and hemoglobin test were performed. The health status of children was evaluated according to WHO diagnostic criteria of dental caries rate, average of decayed missing filled tooth(DMFT), malnutrition and anemia, and the correlation between deciduous teeth caries and nutritional status of children were analyzed.@*Results@#The overall deciduous teeth caries prevalence rate of Tibetan children in Zhag yab kindergarten was 62.6%, and the mean dmft was (4.0±4.6). Aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-year-old children s deciduous teeth caries rate were 31.1%, 55.3%, 63.8%, 70.9%, 76.6%, respectively, mean dmft were (1.1±2.0) (2.9±3.4) ( 3.5± 3.3) (5.4±5.4) (5.9±6.6) respectively. The prevalence of deciduous teeth caries and mean dmft increased with age, and the differences among age groups were statistically significant ( χ 2/F=72.17, 33.47, P <0.05). The overall detection rate of malnutrition( 25.4% ), stunting(12.3%), underweight(12.6%), wasting(10.9%) and anemia(29.6%) in caries children were higher than those in children without caries(19.5%, 8.1%, 6.1%, 6.6%, 15.5%), the differences were statistically significant ( χ 2=5.81, 5.49, 13.61 , 6.52, 32.02, P <0.05). Caries children s overweight rate (3.7%) was higher than that of children without caries (3.4%), obesity rate ( 1.3% ) was lower than that of children without caries(1.9%), there was no statistically significant difference ( χ 2=0.07, 0.82, P >0.05).@*Conclusion@#The problem of deciduous teeth caries in kindergartens in Zhag yab is serious, and it is closely related to the occurrence of malnutrition and anemia. The prevention and intervention of dental caries in local children should be strengthened.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1230-1233, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985595


Objective@#To investigate the current situation of obesity and related metabolic abnormalities among preschool children, so as to provide theoretical support for future intervention.@*Methods@#A cohort of 3 952 children, born in Tianjin and enrolled in the kindergarten from September 2017 to October 2018, were selected to conduct a baseline survey and a three-year follow-up (questionnaire survey, physical examination and laboratory testing). At the same time, a two-way cohort study was conducted to retrospectively collect maternal prenatal examination, delivery and regular physical examination information of children from birth to preschool age from Tianjin Maternal and Child Health Information System.@*Results@#A total of 3 935, 3 654 and 2 739 children completed the follow up in the primary, middle and senior classes of kindergarten respectively. The height and weight of pre-school children increased with age, while the percentage of body fat decreased with age ( β-trend =-0.74, P <0.01). During three-year follow up, height, weight and body mass index of boys were higher than girls (P<0.05), while the percentage of body fat was lower than girls (primary class: 17.5%,18.5%; middle class: 16.4%,17.2%; senior class: 16.1%,17.1%, P <0.05). The detection rate of overweight (including obesity) and obesity increased with age( χ 2 trend were 15.51,38.72, P <0.05). The total detection rate of obesity increased from 5.4% at the baseline level to 9.6%. Laboratory test results showed that the detection rates of fasting blood glucose of boys were higher than that of girls in primary class, but blood lipid abnormalities were in the opposite (glucose: 7.7%, 4.8 %; lipid: 23.8% , 27.7%)( χ 2=12.01, 6.63, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The study has established a large growth cohort starting from the early embryonic stage, which will help to establish the strategies to promote children s health and prevent obesity and chronic diseases from multidimensional perspectives.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 471-475, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965916


Abstract@#With the successive liberalization of the two child and three child policies in China, the issue of sibling relationships has been paid more and more attention by society. Severe sibling jealousy has a negative impact on the physical and mental health development of both young children and their siblings. The study reviewed the influencing factors of sibling jealousy, and analyzed the effect of applying six related intervention methods to the sibling jealousy intervention.The review aims to provide theoretical and empirical basis for children s sibling jealousy intervention, to reduce the level of sibling jealousy through the intervention, and to promote the physical and mental health of young children and their brothers and sisters.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 415-418, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965891


Objective@#To evaluate the immunity and influencing factors of diphtheria among preschool children in Shenzhen,to provide reference for effective monitoring of diphtheria IgG antibody level in preschool children.@*Methods@#Serum samples were collected from 296 preschool children aged 4-6 who were recruited in Shenzhen. The diphtheria antibody titer in serum was determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and the effect of different immumuzation schedule including types of vaccine and vaccination timing, on the geometric mean concentration (GMC) of diphtheria IgG antibody and antibody positive rate were analyzed.@*Results@#The GMC of diphtheria IgG antibody was 0.71 IU/mL, and the positive conversion rate was 33.1%. There were significant differences in antibody GMC and antibody positive conversion rate of diphtheria in different age groups( F/χ 2=11.77, 27.45, P < 0.01 ). The GMC and antibody positive conversion rate showed significant differences by diphtheria antibodies, vaccine types and end dose vaccination intervals( F=49.53, 12.95,11.61, P <0.01). There were statistically significant differences in the positive conversion rate of diphtheria antibodies in children with different types of diphtheria antibodies, vaccine types of diphtheria antibodies, and diphtheria antibodies at the time interval of final vaccination (Fisher exact probability method, P <0.01).@*Conclusion@#The overall positive conversion rate of diphtheria antibody in preschool children in Shenzhen is high. Timely completion of full diphtheria vaccination can improve the antibody level and plays a better role in protecting preschool children.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 356-360, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965857


Objective@#To investigate the attitudes and demands of parents of children in Luzhou towards family based child sexual abuse prevention education.@*Methods@#A self administered anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among parents of children in Luzhou City who were selected from stratified cluster sampling. Multiple linear regression model was used to analyze parents attitudes.@*Results@#Parents attitude towards prevention of sexual assault education was positive (average score 16.70± 3.67 ). The results of multiple regression analysis showed that parents of only child ( β =0.30), parents who participated in related activities ( β =1.28), communicated with relatives and friends ( β =0.81), and lived in urban areas ( β =0.49) had more positive attitudes. In terms of parental factors, average annual family income higher than 100 000 yuan ( β =0.39), mothers of young children ( β =0.88), and parents with a high level of knowledge about sexual assault prevention education ( β =0.98), the mother being a teacher or a medical staff ( β =0.52), and educational background of the mother being high school/secondary school ( β =1.03), college/undergraduate or above ( β =1.42) were associated with more positive attitudes( P <0.01). The results of demand analysis showed that parents had high demand for child s self protection (96.86%).@*Conclusion@#Parents of young children in Luzhou City show generally positive attitude and high demand towards family based sexual abuse prevention. Knowledge training and publicity regarding child sexual abuse should be improved for children who had siblings, from rural and township areas, and whose parents with low educational background.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 256-260, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964431


Objective@#To explore the relationship between maternal emotional symptoms and emotional and behavioral problems (EBPs) of preschool offspring, and to provide reference for prevention and intervention of emotional and behavior problems in preschool children.@*Methods@#A total of 4 100 preschool children aged 3-6 in Fuyang City were enrolled by stratified cluster sampling method in June 2021. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) were used to investigate preschool children s EBPs and maternal emotional symptoms, respectively.@*Results@#The detection rates of preschool children s emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer interaction problems, prosocial behavior and difficulty scores were 15.7%, 17.4%, 20.0%, 32.3%, 15.1% and 15.8%, respectively. The detection rates of mother s depression, anxiety and stress symptoms were 7.9%, 12.7% and 4.8%, respectively. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that, compared with children of mothers with no depression, anxiety and stress symptoms, offspring of mothers reported depression, anxiety and stress symptoms had significantly higher risks of emotional symptoms, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and total difficulties ( OR=1.76-6.35, P <0.01). Maternal emotional symptoms had the most significant effect on children s emotional symptoms, and there was no significant correlation between maternal stress symptoms and children s prosocial behavior ( OR=1.40, P >0.05). There was no significant gender difference in the relationship between maternal emotional symptoms and children s emotional and behavioral problems ( ROR=0.73-1.07, P >0.05). For only children whose mothers reported stress symptoms showed a higher risk of emotional and behavior problems than non singleton children ( ROR=2.03, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Maternal emotional symptoms are related to preschool children s emotional and behavioral problems. Early identification and intervention of mother s negative emotional symptoms, are beneficial to the prevention of preschool children s emotional and behavioral problems.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 246-250, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964426


Objective@#To describe screening situation and associated factors of early warning signals in psychopathology in kindergarten children, so as to provide reference for effective prevention and treatment strategies.@*Methods@#From October to December 2021, a cross sectional study was conducted in kindergartens in Jinniu District of Chengdu. The age appropriate early warning signals were screened among 20 417 kindergarten children for developmental problems. Chi square test and Logistic regression were used for univariate and multivariate analysis of positive early warning signs screening, respectively. @*Results@#The positive screening of early warning signals among 2 year old children was mainly distributed in the language domain (6.12%), personal social domain for 2.5 year old (1.70%) and 3 year old children (1.76%), and fine motor domain for 4 year old (2.04%) and 5 year old children (1.03%). Univariate and multivariate analysis showed that factors associated with positive screening of early warning signals included gender, family structure, history of diseases, electronic screen exposure >2 h/d, sleep duration at night, and age of children( P < 0.05).@*Conclusion@#It is necessary to carry out regular screening for early warning signals for psychopathology in kindergartens. Age appropriate health education for early childhood development should be carried out against nurses and kindergarten teaching staff. Similarly, more attention should be paid to healthy sleep and media usage to improve physical and mental wellness among preschool children.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 200-204, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964411


Objective@#To explore the prevalence and relevant factors of physical and emotional abuse by parents among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), so as to provide basis for intervention program of children abuse.@*Methods@#A total of 221 ASD children from 3 special education institutions in Tangshan were investigated from March to October in 2021, 395 non ASD children from two kindergartens in urban and rural areas were selected by convenient sampling. Parents of these children were invited for online and on site questionnaire survey. The self designed violence questionnaire, Childhood Autism Rating Scale and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 were used to assess violence, severity of autism, depression of parents. Chi square test, Fisher s exact probability method and Logistic regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of violence.@*Results@#About 81.9% of children with ASD and 72.9% of non ASD children experienced violence( P <0.05). The reported rates of physical and emotional violence in ASD children were 74.2% and 73.8% respectively, which in non ASD children were 58.7% and 65.8% respectively. There were significant differences in the 3 types of violence rate between the two groups ( P <0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that boys ( OR =1.70, 95% CI =1.12-2.60), annual per capita income <10 000 yuan( OR =2.43, 95% CI =1.45- 4.08 ), and parental depression ( OR mild =11.01, 95% CI =5.38-22.49; OR moderate =69.97,95% CI =24.25-201.93) were the risk factors for child violence exposure; ASD disease ( OR=1.96,95%CI =1.32-2.92), older age ( OR=1.19, 95%CI =1.01-1.41) and parental depression( OR mild =7.83, 95% CI =3.67-16.74; OR moderate =14.37,95% CI =6.17-33.46) were risk factors for physical violence; boys ( OR =1.62, 95% CI =1.11-2.36), mothers who work in manual labor ( OR=1.68, 95%CI =1.09-2.59) and parental depression ( OR mild =7.69, 95% CI =3.74-15.81; OR moderate =25.37, 95% CI =10.80-59.63) were risk factors for emotional violence( P < 0.05 ).@*Conclusion@#The reported rate of parental violence against children with ASD is high. Mental health promotion and social support for families with ASD should be strengthened.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 81-84, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964375


Objective@#To investigate the association between maternal parenting styles and quality of life among preschools,to provide a scientific theoretical basis for interventions targeting at prmoting early life health.@*Methods@#From May to July, 2021, a stratified cluster sampling method was used to enroll 4 233 child mother dyads from 14 preschools in Chengdu. An online questionnaire survey was administered to collect socio demographic information, maternal parenting styles, and children s quality of life.@*Results@#The overall score of quality of life was (80.17±9.81) among preschool children in Chengdu. In the multivariate linear regression models, maternal emotional warmth were significantly associated with higher scores in emotional functioning, social functioning, school functioning, psychosocial health summary score, and total scores ( β coefficients in the high level group were 2.63 , 4.95 , 12.05, 6.54,4.88, P <0.05). In contrast, both maternal rejection and overprotection were significantly associated with lower scores in physical functioning, emotional functioning, social functioning, school functioning, psychosocial health summary score, and the total scores of children s quality of life (for rejection: β coefficients in the high level group were -9.39, -10.82, -7.12 , -6.04 , -8.00, and -8.35 , respectively; for overprotection: β coefficients in the high level group were -6.71, -5.85, -3.08 , -2.39 , -3.77, and - 4.51 , respectively, P <0.05). The associations between high level of maternal rejection and children s emotional functioning showed significant gender differences( β =-3.23, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Maternal parenting style has a significant impact on children s quality of life. Interventions targeting at maternal parenting styles may be beneficial to improve the quality of life in preschool children.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 43-47, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964340


Objective@#To understand the status of anemia among rural children aged 3-6 in central China and its relationship with dietary behavior, and to provide reference for prevention and intervention of anemia in rural children.@*Methods@#From April to June 2021, stratified cluster sampling was used to select 1 246 preschool children aged 3 to 6 years old in rural areas in central China. Peripheral blood of the ring finger was collected. Dietary behaviors regarding consumption of cereals and potatoes, fruits, vegetables, soy products, milk, animal foods, food diversity, and drinking water were investigated. Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the association between anemia and dietary behaviors.@*Results@#The detection rate of anemia in rural children aged 3-6 in central China was 13.88%. The anemia detection rate of left behind children (19.00%) was higher than that of non left behind children (11.27%), and the difference was statistically significant ( χ 2=13.93, P <0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that the proportion of left behind children ( OR=1.28, 95%CI =1.16-1.56) with anemia was higher than that of non left behind children ( P <0.01). Consumption of animal food intake ≥3 times/week ( OR=0.82, 95%CI =0.69-0.91), and ≥2 kinds of vegetables ( OR= 0.86, 95%CI =0.71-0.93) were associated with lower rate of anemia ( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#The detection rate of anemia in rural children aged 3-6 years in central China is relatively high, especially in left behind children. Dietary literacy of caregivers should be further improved regarding increased intake of animal foods and vegetables to reduce the risk for anemia in preschoolers.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1099-1102, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985426


Objective@#To explore the effectiveness of the comprehensive intervention on prevention of deciduous primary caries in 3-year-old children, so as so provide reference for the prevention, health care and treatment of oral caries.@*Methods@#Three-year-old children selected by drawing lots from 10 public kindergartens in 5 districts of Bengbu were examined in 2021, and were randomly divided into intervention group ( n =300) and control group ( n =300). During the initial examination, caries loss (dmf) including dental caries, missing teeth, filling teeth were assessed in the two groups. At the initial examination, the intervention group received caries intervention while no intervention was administered in the non-intervention group until half a year later. Intervention measures included education, diet, self-cleaning and fluoride application intervention. The number of cases and the mean of caries loss in the two groups were compared by χ 2 test.@*Results@#Before the intervention, 43 children in the control group suffered from caries, with 88 dmf, including 44 dmf for boys and 44 dmf for girls. There were 45 children in the intervention group, with 101 dmf, including 49 dmf for boys and 52 dmf for girls. There was no significant difference in the number of dmf between the intervention group and the control group ( χ 2=0.91, P >0.05), and there was no significant difference in the prevalence rate (15.0%, 14.3%, χ 2=0.05, P >0.05). After the intervention, there were 26 new dental caries and 43 dmf in intervention group, including 25 dmf for boys and 18 dmf for girls. In the control group, there were 83 new dental caries and 168 dmf, including 72 dmf for boys and 96 dmf for girls. Compared with the control group, the new dmf in the intervention group was significantly different ( χ 2=75.38, P < 0.05). The number of new dental caries patients in the intervention group was significantly different from that in the control group ( χ 2=36.42, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Comprehensive interventions to prevent dental caries can significantly reduce the incidence of primary teeth caries in children. It is suggested to intervene dental caries as early as possible to reduce the incidence of dental caries and other oral diseases.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1072-1075, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985418


Objective@#To investigate the influencing factors of home environment on eczema in preschool children, so as to provide theoretical basis for taking effective regional prevention for preschool children.@*Methods@#From December 2020 to January 2021, a cross sectional survey of 3 049 preschool children was randomly carried out by stratified cluster sampling in Haikou kindergartens, and the impact of indoor environmental factors on preschool children s eczema was analyzed. Chi squared test and binary Logistic regressive were used to analyze the related factors.@*Results@#The prevalence of eczema in preschool children was 13.6%. Multivariate Logistic regression showed that the positive correlation factors of eczema included the new decoration in the mother s residence one year before pregnancy ( OR=1.71, 95%CI =1.09-2.68), the addition of new furniture in the child s residence when the child was 0-1 years old ( OR=1.53, 95%CI =1.03-2.27), cockroaches in the house ( OR=1.35, 95%CI =1.02-1.81) and cleaning of less than once per week ( OR=1.30, 95%CI =1.01-1.66). The starting age of children s collective life since 3 years old ( OR=0.76, 95%CI =0.60-0.96) had a negative correlation with eczema ( P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#There are multiple indoor environmental factors related to eczema among preschool children in Haikou city. Parents should take measures to prevent eczema in preschool children by paying attention to home environment and the starting age of children s collective life.